Sacrifice – 13

The Sacrifice of Health – Super Life

At this point we enter very unusual ground. We are in places that in ordinary life we have never been, and rarely experience. This is the realm of the super-effort. How is it possible?

During the course of the last 15 weeks of study, we have learned a great deal. Review briefly the sacrifices thus far. Maybe just glance at the sacrifice headings. List them out for your self. What do you see?

What you see is that these exercises and efforts at sacrifice have brought us to a moment of discovering the benefits behind the natural sacrifice – yes, we are giving up something for something yet better. We are dropping mechanical machine life for life of the essential self. The good is the enemy of the better.

Part of this work helps us drop mechanical patterns that drain us of energy. We are depleted by the routines in which we do not participate. We are passive observers. But, now, we are invited by E.J. Gold in this chapter to make super-efforts.

What is a super-effort? Here the being is operating as a participant in the functioning of its life. It then has available to it, huge sources of energy. How does this come about?

I recall many times over the years where we in the Community with E.J. Gold, have been put in situations whereby we had to create a result with little or no rest. We had hours to create a show or hang an auction. We often worked through the night to achieve this end. Where did the energy come from?

When we operate from the machine we have and impose upon ourselves effort budgets. We adhere to those budgets and get good marginal results, we appear healthy we are “making it” in the world. But, we are unable, in normal life, to find other means within ourselves to generate the “juice” to keep going. The source of that juice is a higher necessity.

In the chapter at p.223 we see the comment. Through super-effort one is able to arouse the huge accumulator of the Power Center, thus enabling the teacher to direct this energy. We were put, many times into situations where we had a Work necessity to accomplish something that was not possible given the standards of the mechanical machine. Yet, we did so accomplish those tasks. Gradually we learned that we could find the energy source, if the proper Necessity was present.

Later, we form the basis for all three stages of formation: Fusion, Perfection and Crystallization.

How do we provide and find for ourselves the basis for such a Work necessity? Where is that source?

Audio Recording Class_16_Oct_19_2011

The log for the class can be found here.

8 Responses to Sacrifice – 13