Chapter 16

Life in the Labyrinth

We work to overcome our fears of seeing the horror of the situation and to achieve the Heart of the Labyrinth where we are able to perform a special kind of work., view the Creation as a whole, and put life into it, if only momentarily.

In this chapter the voyager is confronted directly with the task at hand. As we begin to understand the situation existing in Creation. We begin to sense a level of true Work. This has the flavor of a Work worthy of our time, and our life. This may be our lives work.

We see that within Creation the Absolute is placed in a position whereby it existence is dependent on the work of the transformed human. It depends on a group of humans to determine how to bring the Absolute to life.

We see over the chapters we have studied, over the life time of work on our selves that we are able to hold the space and do a higher form of work. That work is to perform the Prayer Absolute. (See The Hidden Work, chapter 11, by EJ Gold, for a broader explanation of Prayer Absolute. You can get the book here.) It is hard to know what to do in our work. It is very difficult to maintain the sense of duty hovering about us. Maybe this will help:

In motion, bowing, my presence comes to Thee.

Humbly, with heart alive, my presence awakens to Thee.

With Clear Mind, my presence comes to know Thee.

With pity for thy suffering, my presence becomes aware of Thee.

With Yearning, my presence wishes to comfort Thee.

In ignorance, my presence serves Thee.

In contemplation, my presence recognizes how to serve Thee.

In mystery, my presence is a comfort to Thee.

In form and formlessness, my presence becomes Thee.

Audio File Chapter 16_08_08_2012 – Part 1

You can view the Class log for chapter 16, part 1 here.

Audio File for Chapter 16_08_15_2012 – Part 2

You can view the Class log for chapter 16, part 2 here.

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