07 – Chapter Four

Chapter Four

Second Wind Phenomenon

Finding the Wind

Finding the Wind

In the first part of Chapter 4, E.J. Gold is speaking about applying our efforts in such a sustained manner that we achieve the “second wind phenomenon.” Put simply, as we apply ourselves with effort in a sustained manner, at some point, we break into a new energy realm. Runners and athletes of all kinds experience this effect. Also, researchers when they catch the ‘thread’ of an idea, will work unwittingly for many hours, only to discover the night has past.

To invoke our presence effectively, we must “make intentional use of real emotion.” Emotion in life is primarily a reaction to the world around us. We mostly react – and we label that process – emotion.

Real emotion is an emanation from within. The expression of true Conscience (remorse) is as example of this process.

Now – E.J. goes on to say:

“We will fail continually until the day we wake up in terror because we suddenly realize that we really do fall asleep on our feet”

(Note: I suggest you take a look at the first few pages of “The Improvement of the Understanding” by Spinoza. – He found himself in that very state of terror.)

When we perceive our condition of sleep, our first tendency is to ‘react’ with a form of guilt. In this manner, guilt acts as a buffer to the simple recognition of our condition. Is it possible to recognize our situation – one of sleep – and yet, not judge that condition. If we are able to do so, we can then say “I am not that.” That is a bold declaration to the universe. I am not that. I am an essential self that is carrying a Human Biological Machine about… and it has issues from time to time.


In the second part of this chapter E.J. Gold begins to describe the new world. As he indicates:

“Awakening is not the end of work on self, it is the very beginning of work on self.” (page 15)

This effort at developing a sense of presence is the entry fee to the Work. We have all seen this in regular life. In order to get into such and such a college you must have a 3.5 grade point average. Or, this job requires 3 years experience and a college degree. That is true in this realm. It is the ultimate example of the phrase “The Secret keeps itself.”

As we ‘die’ to the phenomenal world we start to emerge, from time to time into a new world – as they say – an Undiscovered Country. This sense of presence is called the Nonphenomenal Vision.

“We must be able to easily recognize this state…”

In the literature of Christian mysticism, there is a rich declaration by the saints experiencing and discussing this new nation. When St. Teresa of Avila, or St. John of the Cross, join with Dante, Suso and Ruysbroeck to describe this unitive life – they speak in transcendent terms of this mystical experience.

Once again, we are shown the opening shores of this land by EJ. “In the eastern tradition this continuous state of presence and its corresponding nonphenomenal vision were called samadhi…”

“This unveiled vision, in which everything blends into a flat patchwork quilt of light and dark, color and form, without individual significance… is really just the unveiled vision of Creation.”

“In this unveiled vision, colors become brighter… vision becomes sharper… sensation will intensify and everything will seem clearly connected to everything else and to oneself.”

So, we will explore this sensations. We will help each other “bring them out.” Can we develop the sense of self to see that which is before our own eyes?


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