Chapter Three
To Be Alive
The nature of the attention that we are developing is based upon an enhanced awareness of our own presence. We study and envelop in ourselves an awareness of our Self. We see how the machine breathes and walks and turns its head to glance about. It is the observation of the machine in various manifestations. The purpose is not to develop a greater observation of things about us – that comes later.
….”this led to an explanation of another use of the ‘stop’… Between one exhalation and the next inhalation there is a pause, a moment of temporary death, a taste of breathlessness… ” (chapter 3, page 11)
The Zen Koan has been practiced for many hundreds of years. In some cases a monk or nun is given a Koan to carry with them always. The master never lets the aspirant forget their Koan, it remains unanswered until the student reaches the next level of Being. It becomes like a red-hot molten lead ball sitting in your belly.
The monks and nuns worked during the day, in the gardens, farms or household of the monastery. Unexpectedly, the Master would stop the monk or nun in the midst of their chores, and ask them the answer to their Koan. Not easy.