[1] Page 123, paragraph 2; How can we intentionally bring about the waking state whenever we wish to and, at the same time, know definitely that we have accomplished this? What have we learned in previous chapters to help us answer this question? You may think the answer is simple, but, the process of answering it is of value.
[2] Page 126, paragraph 3; With the deepest part of herself, with all her heart, she wishes to be found and to be known. Have you been found? Have you been known?
[3] Page 128, paragraph 7; Only when she comes to life is she able to resurrect him. Like Osiris, he must trust in his Isis… What is the story of Isis and Osiris? It will pay to reread that myth story again, at this point in our studies.
[4] Page 130, paragraph 1; So long as a man chooses the imaginary freedoms, he is choosing the life of cattle… We are trained to look outward, to see the world. But, if and only if we are able to look inward can we change our course on this planet. Comment?
[5] Page 133, paragraph 1; This additional force which gives us the extra will necessary to fixate our attention on the machine is called adoration. Can you sense and begin to know the ‘flavor’ of your adoration?
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