Would definitely be in my home in my comfortable chair with my favorite afghan, looking out at the woods and hearing the birds sing. The sun would be shining a gentle warm light through my window. I would be warm and cozy and comfortable. Only couple of loved ones, my husband and siblings if they are still alive. It would not be prolonged and it would be a pleasant, happy setting and no sadness at all. We would celebrate the time we had together and all that we learned together.
I would have arranged in advance for ABD readings.
Also prearranged cremation – no ceremony please, just remember me the way you remembered me.
I would have prepared in advance for my favorite psychopomp to be there – Anubis please.
My spiritual brother and sisters would also remember me and do what they can to help me through the bardos. I would recognize the Clear Light as my essential self and merge into it. Even if my death happens suddenly, or occurs outside my home, and not as I had planned, it won’t matter because I still would have arranged in advance the important elements. I will be prepared because I am learning to live my life now with awareness and recognizing my death as merely a transition. There will still be precious souls there to guide and help me, the same way I hope to be able to help other sentient beings with their own smooth crossing into the Clear Light.
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