Book 13 – Ur-Razaaq

The Thirteenth Book of the Dead called the Book of



[1]       “ It is I who provide the nourishment of all creations. There are inner and outer sustaining substances. And the outer is for the body, the mind, and the feelings. They are the foods, atmosphere and impressions needed by the material form in order to continue and to develop according to the perfect plan.

[2]        And the inner sustaining substances are the various kinds of disclosures of knowledge and transmissions of understanding which exist for the perfection of the inner consciousness.

[3]        And the outer is necessary in order to provide the vessel for the perfection of the being but the inner is the exact nourishment necessary for the perfection of the spiritual soul.

[4]        And these are the foods which nourish eternal life. And they both are available, the outer and the inner, but they are given freely and amply to some and to others according to their merit only in small quantity. When it is accepted with both hands it flows without bounds or limits.”

… and on the tenth day, if they are still unrecognized – then, The violent guide of the order of precious gemstone of the world Karatas, shall appear.

“and he shall appear hypnotically compelling to you and his stone of black shall draw you within itself… “

The Death Poem

Stone of Black

“If they are still unrecognized” – we are reminded again, that we project our circle of what we call reality. If we expect darkness and limitation, then, ‘magically’ it will appear. Can we sit in amazement at the painting we are generating around us, even at this moment. Stop and glance about you – what have you created? Are you stuck in an unbearable traffic jam, or job, or relationship?

By this, I do not mean that we should ‘visualize’ pleasantry, rather I mean that our job is to live our lives in accordance with our own natures. If we hold to presence and attention, if we hold to “What is this next moment before me” – in a true wonder. Then, the universe will deal to us that which we must work with then and there.

Or karmic winds have come forth, let them work, Let the universe present our next tasks. Our job is very simple. Presence and Attention – the rest is up to other Powers and Principalities.

Class 44 – 02-10-2015



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