The Sixteenth Book of the Dead called the Book of
[1] I am He who takes the souls of individuals at the time of death and places these souls into bodies at the conception of life in the world of matter.
Ur-Basit is the the One who makes ample and plentiful all that is needed. The One who expands and amplifies all abundance.
The One who makes the way wide and open. The One who stretches out a helping hand to mankind. The One whose open hand releases joy, comfort and abundance.
The One who infuses the soul into body. The One who has filled the heart with spiritual abundance. The One whose glory and abundance fill and expand the heart.
As we enter the final stages of the intermediate state of transit, we are introduced to him that assists us with rebirth into form.
During this phase of Transit the voyager is presented with the hosts of the heavens and one instruction continues to arise for us –
[15] And if you are afraid of the violent guides you shall be thrown down into sleep and wander blindly in the world of transit and so you shall be reborn into the world without your knowledge or consent.
Class 48 – Part I Book 16 3-09-2015