Book 15 – Ul-Alim

The Fifteenth Book of the Dead called the Book of


The Perfect Note

The Perfect Note

[1] I in my perfection comprehend the knowledge of all things at once.

In preparation for presenting and studying this particular Book of the Dead, I noticed how baffled I was by the opening line. What would it be like to ‘comprehend the knowledge of all things at once?’ I knew that I did not know, so, I called on two advisers who were able to point me in the right direction.

The process is not a linear process of learn A, add that to B and C and … so on, then, you will gradually get to “all things at once.” It will never happen that way.

But, rather, this state, I was told, is imposed upon us. Not always willingly. I was told of a stirring experience whereby the individual walks into a room and the energetics of the Space suddenly fell, in total upon her. She was a conduit for the process. We find ourselves open from time to time – maybe it feels like we are too open. Can we manage this sensation?

Sometimes we are “cursed” with being open… a bit too much. This is the state that Ul-Alim is pointing to. Sometimes the overwhelming nature of the process overcomes us and we collapse, but sometimes the process bounces us up into a new space of comprehension, sometimes we see, the space has become Mythic, and we are a part of it.

Class 47 – 03-02-2015

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